Happy Holidays with a new “free story” up and opportunity for free ebook of HOW TO DIE WELL

To help celebrate the wonderful holiday season, we have put up a new “free story” on the site, link is here. The story in question is “That Dreamy Feeling” and is, of course, completely inappropriate for younger or more sensitive viewers/readers.

As well, if you would be willing to write a review of HOW TO DIE WELL on your blog, Amazon and/or Goodreads, send me a PM and I will send you an electronic version for your reading pleasure. That deal is if you agree to write an honest review–which means if you hate the stories and think they suck, then by all means say so. Certainly, if you think they are wondrous and magical and all that written fiction should be, then feel free to say that too. It is totally up to you.

From all of us to all of you, happy whatever you celebrate this multi-purpose season. Thanks for reading and your support, and the very best to you and yours in 2014.


Bill B.


PS. My annual “Favorite Books of the Year” list still to come in 2013.

Very nice review of HOW TO DIE WELL from Horror World

It is a rare moment for posting on the beloved Curious Stories website, so there must either be a once–a-century comet passing overhead, or perhaps–more likely–an asteroid heading straight for my house like it is using Google Maps.

But, in any event, I just now noticed this very nice review of HOW TO DIE WELL from the awesome website Horror World (“Horror’s #1 community on the web”).  Many thanks to Horror World and author/critic Dan Reilly for the very kind review, which can be read in its entirety here.

In a somewhat coincidental piece of news, relating to some of the comments about the shocking lack of “pure, undiluted Bill Breedlove experience” available, I can say that I have been working writing and editing (rewriting) several pieces of both story and novel length.

Also, we will be posting another Free Story to this site soon, so if you have not yet had the chance to read the dear old chestnut “Great Expectations,” check it out or download it or print it or tattoo it on your eldest child or littlest sibling** because it will be replaced with another free story soon.

Hope everyone is enjoying the autumn.  More to come.


Bill B.


** Please do not tattoo my stories on unwilling people.


A very kind review of HOW TO DIE WELL from Horror Fiction Review!

Horror Fiction Review is a great site for checking out just about every book of interest in the horror field. They do a ton of reviews every month, and the reviewers are devoted lovers of all things scary, creepy, grotesque, and bizarro, so you know you are getting the straight dope.  That being said, I was extremely honored and humbled to see that in their June reviews, HOW TO DIE WELL was given a very nice write-up.  The reviewer said many wonderful things, all of which I am too shy to repeat, but you can read for yourself right here.

Thank you very kindly, Horror Fiction Review!