First off, how about the great cover for WHEN THE NIGHT COMES DOWN?
That’s more of the wondrous handiwork of John Everson. This new release from Dark Arts Books contains some of the best stories we’ve published yet. Joseph D’Lacey, Bev Vincent, Robert Weinberg and Nate Kenyon all contributed unbelievably fantastic work to this book, and it was a real joy to work with all of them.
WHEN THE NIGHT COMES DOWN will be debuting at the World Horror Convention in Brighton, UK, March 25-28, 2010. So, if you happen to be in the neighborhood, stop by and say “hi.” If you, for some illogical reason, will not be in the Southern seaside part of the UK at the end of March, you can pre-order WHEN THE NIGHT COMES DOWN here. I will be doing my best to keep the local pubs solvent, but also I can be found at the following:
Thursday 25 March: S.G. Browne, the author of the stupendous zombie-romance-comedy-just-great-book BREATHERS and I will be doing a reading from 7-8 pm. This is not your average reading. I think the plan is first Scott will read a bit, then I will read a short piece and then we will read together a story we co-wrote specifically for this gig! Collaborating with Scott on this piece has been one of the most fun things I have done in quite awhile, and I think people will like it, too. As they say, “expect the unexpected.”
Friday 26 March: At the crack of Noon, I will be moderating a panel entitled SIZE MATTERS. Yeah, I thought the same thing, but before you get too excited, it is actually a panel about small press publishing. The REAL reason to get excited? Check out this list of distinguished panelists: Storm Constantine, Peter Crowther, W. Paul Ganley, Jeremy Lassen and Brett Alexander Savory. Those are some quite impressive people who are whip-smart and very savvy about publishing. If I wasn’t moderating, I would actually attend this panel, that’s how awesome it is.
Later on at some point, there will be a mass signing. If people are daunted by the lines for (among others) M.M Smith, Ramsey Campbell, F. Paul Wilson, and John Ajvide Lindqvist, I figure that is my opportunity to scribble on a few books. From 10pm-Midnight, I will be hosting the launch party for WHEN THE NIGHT COMES DOWN in Bar Rogue. Free booze and the opportunity to meet and chat with NIGHT authors Joseph D’Lacey and Bev Vincent and also Free Booze.
Saturday 27 March: I will definitely be attending the Wine Drinking Contest Stoker Awards Banquet. Last year, I think the table I was at (Hello, Steve Jones, Mandy Slater and Pat Tallman) went through enough bottles of wine to stock a small French village. Things I learned last year at the Stoker Awards Banquet: drinking ridiculous quantities of red wine causes overly loud conversation and inappropriate laughter during awards banquets. Hopefully Steve Jones has learned his lesson, though. Mort Castle is up for a Stoker for his story “Dreaming Robot Monster” from MIGHTY UNCLEAN, so I will be rooting for him in a polite and respectful manner.
As well, Dark Arts Books will have a table in the Dealers’ Room, selling all six–count ’em six!–of our great titles. For anyone who has missed CANDY IN THE DUMPSTER, WAITING FOR OCTOBER, SINS OF THE SIRENS, Stoker Award-Nominated LIKE A CHINESE TATTOO, or MIGHTY UNCLEAN, you can either order them now by clicking on the title, or you can save the postage and just buy it from me in Brighton. And, for those of you who haven’t yet started collecting the line of Dark Arts titles, now is the time to catch up and get them all before the number gets too out of hand. If you wait until, like, 2023 to start, it’s gonna be a shitload of books you need to order. Just sayin’.
Lastly, I am just now in the stages of shaking my head at all the nonsensical shit I wrote finishing up writing and editing a new novel that I started last summer. There should be more news about this project shortly, but I can say, if it’s not the best thing I have ever written, I did have the most fun writing it, and it is definitely a fun read. Again, more news to follow.
Hope all is well with everyone, and look forward to seeing many of my old friends–and some new ones–in Brighton in a couple of weeks.
Over and out,
Bill B.